
Going into business with another company is a big step and can have disastrous consequences if a proper investigation is not conducted. The commercial inquiries offered at Oligny and Thibodeau Inquiry Services Inc. help you better understand your new business associations and find out if it is a trustworthy option.

The verifications include (among other things);

  • A bank audit through all banks in Canada: Royal Bank, Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, National Bank, Caisse Populaire Desjardins, Laurentian Bank, Toronto Dominion Bank and others…
  • Complete detail of the company’s incorporation.
  • Are their annual reports up to date with the government? If not, this company risks permanent closure by the latter. You can send us the form free of charge by fax at 1 888 220-5695 or by email at info@oligny-thibodeau.
  • And many other major points of verification.

A detailed report will be sent to our client by email or fax within five to seven business days.