Signature - Landlord - Complete Pre-rental inquiry

Reference number : #  


Name :

Address :

Email address:
Telephone number:  
Cellphone number:
Fax number:

Rental address :

Double inquiry?

If yes, name of the other tenant:

Inquiry submitted by:

Amount of rent:

Lease start date:


Name of potential tenant:

Email address of potential tenant:


Please note that a link to Parts C, D and E of the form will be sent by email to the potential tenant identified in Step B. This will also be redirected to the contract to be electronically signed.

Please note that your form will not be taken into account until both signatures have been collected.

The landlord and his representative are responsible for verifying the identity of the potential tenant, including surname, first name, date of birth and address, using official identification documents. To this end, they declare that they have verified this information before submitting the form and that they have been informed that the absence of verification is a cause of erroneous reporting and, in this regard, the owner waives any recourse against Services d'Enquêtes Oligny & Thibodeau Inc. for any damage, in particular for unpaid rent, resulting from an investigation into erroneous conclusions resulting from the owner's failure to verify the identity of the potential lessee. In addition, the landlord is aware that the final decision to sign a lease rests exclusively with him and that Oligny & Thibodeau Investigation Services cannot be held liable in any way for damages caused to the landlord, particularly for unpaid rents. The result of the survey does not exclude the doubt and is not guaranteed. Investigations are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Please send us the numbers, expiry date and 3-digit security number of your Visa or MasterCard card by email to: or by calling 514 856-7723.

Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
Document name: Signature - Landlord - Complete Pre-rental inquiry
lock iconUnique Document ID: b8c29592c02a1b379eb3e00217dafd31fab5b2bd
Timestamp Audit
25 July 2024 14 h 04 min ESTSignature - Landlord - Complete Pre-rental inquiry créé par Oligny et Thibodeau - IP